Consulting company

Information campaign for the project “Livestock and Market Development” in Naryn and Issyk-Kul regions for 2019-2020

Period: September, 2019

Venue: Issyk-Kul and Naryn regions.

Project goal: Providing consulting services on an information campaign and creating video tutorials.

Project objectives:

  1. Create a video about the results of the PRZHR-1 project;
  2. Create educational videos on topics:
  • Rational use of pastures,
  • Technology for improving natural pastures,
  • Financial and economic sustainability of the Jaiyt Committees (JC);
  1. Conduct an information campaign:
  • Creation and placement of an Internet banner on the AKIpress website,
  • Interaction with regional TV channels for broadcasting a video about PRZHR-1,
  • Preparation and publication of 3 articles through republican media.
  1. Improve the sound for the video course “GIS Mapping”.


Results achieved:

A video has been created about the results of project PRZR-1. The storyline describes the project as a whole, its components, and main objectives. Special reports on PRZR 1: successful stories, initiatives, problems, and development prospects. 100 interviews have been conducted with members of the Associations of Pasture Users (APU) and project staff. Following the field shooting in the Issyk-Kul and Naryn regions, associations of pasture users, Zhaiyt Committees, and various implemented micro-projects supported during the project have been filmed.

A video lesson “Rational Use of Pastures” has been created, which covers issues such as:

  • The impact of grazing on the condition of pasture vegetation; main forms of animal impact on pastures.
  • Utilization of pasture plants by animals; duration of pasture use; requirements for pastures.
  • Description of existing grazing systems; what systematic and unsystematic grazing entails; how to organize rotation in Kyrgyzstan.

A video lesson “Technology for improving natural pastures” has been prepared, which shows:

  • Existing methods for improving pastures.
  • Concepts of fundamental and superficial improvement.
  • Methods of surface improvement (care of grass stands, weed control, rejuvenation of grass stands, selection and reseeding of grasses).
  • Differences between radical improvement and superficial improvement.
  • Information about cultural pasture.

This video tutorial uses animation, infographics and synchronous graphics from an ARIS specialist.

A total of 25 hours of shooting were conducted in pasture areas of APU in Issyk-Kul and Naryn regions. The shooting consists of 25 different scenes and 5 interviews with ARIS specialists.

A video lesson “Financial and Economic Sustainability of Jaiyt Committees” has been created, which is intended to help APU in the correct accounting and use of machinery, other equipment and structures transferred by the ARIS project. The video tutorial covers questions such as:

  • Equipment accounting and its transfer from the JSC to the APU.
  • Calculation of service costs and setting prices for heavy equipment services.
  • Accounting for income received.
  • Planning expenses for the protection and maintenance of received equipment.

A poster reflecting the project’s key data and achievements has been developed. To increase usefulness, information about calendar grazing was included in the poster.

An internet banner has been developed and placed on the main page with 2 switches of the AKIpress website ( linked to the ARIS website, specifically to the PRZR-1 project page.

The video about the PRZHR-1 project was featured on the republican television – ELTR, as well as on Osh TV, Naryn TV and Issyk-Kul TV.

Articles were prepared and published in the newspaper “Erkin-Too”, “Kyrgyz Tuusu”, “Super Info”.

Brochures in two languages ​​- Russian and Kyrgyz – about the PRZR-1 project have been developed, reflecting the goals, objectives, structure of all components, and main project results. In addition, general data on conducted events, educational processes, and micro-projects have been provided.